Over the next two blog entries, we’re going to examine a few key areas that our radio strategists find are sometimes lacking in focus, practice and execution. What might be holding back your brand? Here are the first three areas:

1. Sameness

Today, it is simply not enough to be the best in a particular product category; especially if you are going head-to-head with another station that shares your format. It is vital that you set yourself apart. Give a reason for listeners to tune in.

Be known for something tangible like a hot morning show or breaking new music and then push it, promote it and stick with it. You don’t want bland but you definitely DO want to offer listeners a product that has a clear, unique benefit and you consistently deliver on that promise. It is about focus and definition.

2. Lack of Passion for the Basics

The most successful stations are not necessarily the most creative. In other words, it’s not about ‘shtick” but, rather, embracing the basics. These stations have a Strategic Marketing Model that they update after each annual strategic research project. Every staffer knows what the positioning, product, and promotion goals are for the year, and the role they play in helping reach the goal. These stations have promotions they are famous for and they use many of the same tactics year after year, with a little twist on it here and there.

You can make and deliver upon a unique promise – being consistent. CBS’s “All News” WINS-AM has been effectively delivering the news in roughly the same format for decades, right down to its familiar top of the hour “tone.” WFAN/New York have used the same station voice and jingles for 20 years. It may not have “spice” but it is a longstanding recipe for success. If you are a music station, think of it like this: what songs typically stand the test of time with listeners? It’s not necessarily the ones with the unorthodox chord changes and exotic instrumentation but rather the ones listeners want to hear over and over again.

3. Lack of Understanding of Consumers

How well do you know your listeners? If ever there was an argument for radio research and the belief that consumer insight matters, it can be found in our work with 104.6 RTL, Berlin’s #1 radio station. Up until a few years ago, conventional wisdom in the market was that stations always speak “formally” in High German to its listeners. A few years ago, though, we , however, we found that the station’s audience was ready to be communicated to more “informally” and RTL subsequently made that adjustment, making them the first to go that route (and to great success). The bottom line? Look for every opportunity to get to create greater consumer engagement. When you conduct your next Strategic Market Study or music test, listen to them so that they listen to you.

Read 5 Things That Could Be Holding Back Your Brand, Part II here.